• Dinner Recipes,  Soup Recipes

    Beef Birria Tacos

    This is one of those dishes where you’re going to spend some time in the kitchen…so prepare for it and enjoy it the smells are amazing and the process is therapeutic!  Birria is a popular Mexican dish that originated in the Jalisco state. It is traditionally made with lamb or goat meat, but it is common for people to use beef. Birria is most commonly consumed as a stew but also can be shredded for tacos. Making new dishes is one of my favorite part about cooking as it forces me to research and learn not only about the dish but also the origins. Birria is also referred to as a…

  • Dinner Recipes

    Wild Mushroom Turkey Meatballs over Creamy Risotto

    As I am writing this recipe…here in Wisconsin we are experiencing  -25 degrees with windchill. I can’t change the weather but I can make it more comforting by heating up your kitchen. I’m going to be honest this dish by no means is difficult but it will require some time in the kitchen. So turn on your favorite play list and get ready to prepare one of my top 10 all time savory dishes! It’s worth it when you experience the finished product. I love this dish for numerous reasons but number 1 is the meatballs are served over a creamy parmesean risotto…and number 2 is the meatballs are made…

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  • Appetizer Recipes

    Marinated Feta Tapenade

    Need an easy appetizer that will please the crowds…then the marintated feta tapenade is perfect for the occasion. I must confess, I get the opportunity to work at LaClare Family Creamery  which is one of the most awarded goat cheese producers in the country. With that being said the feta used in this appetizer is 100% goat cheese feta which really compliments the olives very well as the goat cheee feta is just a bit milder and creamier. This recipe will work well though with your faorite feta.  Tapenade is a signature dish of Provence, the olive-producing, Mediterranean region of France. There, the olives are mashed with anchovies, garlic, capers,…

  • Baking

    Easiest Bread Recipe Ever!

    I don’t know about you, but I love a good crusty bread….especially warm smothered in butter or dipped in balsamic and olive oil. My husband and I argue about the what type of bread to get (he always gets the sesame loaf that’s 4 feet long!) Somewhat of an exaggeration but what I want is a nice rustic loaf with a crust that I don’t have to cut in half to put into the oven! I have been searching for bread recipes and even went so far as to buy my father-in-law a bread making cook book for Christmas (to send his finished product my way of course..hey he’s somewhat…

  • Dinner Recipes,  Easy Weeknight Dinners

    Fettuccine Carbonara

    Made this last week and forgot how wonderfully satisfying this dish is and that you can have this on the table in about a 1/2 hour. I don’t know about you… but can you think of anything better than a plate of pasta made with cheese, bacon, and cream?  Carbonara is an Italian dish which is typically made with guanciale which is made from cured pork cheeks, you could also use pancetta but to be honest I substitute bacon in for this dish. Also, just so I don’t seriously tick off some Italian cooks, Carbonara is not made with cream, this is an American riff off this classic dish…so please…

  • Easy Weeknight Dinners,  Fish Friday

    Honey Garlic Shrimp

    Just recently served this for dinner and was extremely pleased for a couple of reasons…one being that it was fast and easy, as well as minimal ingredients. The sweetness of the honey accompanied with the garlic and soy sauce was very satisfying. I served this over a bed of jasmine rice known for its buttery flavor and sweet, floral aroma. The smell of cooking jasmine rice is euphoric and no I’m not crazy…well not too crazy! This dish would be good over any rice though so if you aren’t able to run to the store just use what you have in house. The bulk of this cook time is making the…

  • Easy Weeknight Dinners,  Fish Friday

    Shrimp Mac and Cheese

    OK, so I know what you are probably thinking..yes I live in Wisconsin and we put cheese on everything but wait if you have ever had lobster mac and cheese than this isn’t too crazy!! (right?) If you’ve been following me you know on Friday’s it’s “Fish Friday” and that also encompasses seafood, hey trying to keep it simple folks!  I made a commitment about a year or so ago that on Friday’s we are eating fish or seafood…we don’t have to wait for lent to indulge. Not to mention my carb loving, steak eating, cheese-head family could use a little bit of change up to the menu. This commitment has…

  • Simple Sides

    Crispy and Creamy Potatoes

    I don’t know about you but I can only eat mashed potatoes….. or to change it up in my house baked potato so often! I think as a parent I just continue to make their favorites because I know they’ll eat it and divert an argument. Now this recipe isn’t earth shattering but it is a welcomed change to the potato sides at this house. What I like about it is the cut side of the potato is crispy and garlicky but the inside is creamy like a mashed potato. Not to mention aesthetically it’s very pleasing to my eye;) It’s super easy and really is only about 10 minutes…

  • Breakfast Recipes

    Overnight Oats

    I got a variation of this recipe from a friend of mine and because I can’t leave anything alone….I made some adjustments. I love this easy breakfast meal, and after you have all your ingredients mixed you let it sit overnight and VOILA! This is a great way to start your day because it’s packed with protein, fiber, high in antioxidants, and can help you lose weight because you feel fuller. You can eat this cold right out of the fridge or you can warm it up a bit. What’s also great about this recipe is that you can personalize it to your taste. To change this up I will…

  • Breakfast Recipes

    Spinach Mushroom Breakfast Salad

    Ok, I  have to say….I am in LOVE with breakfast salads. Typically you think of salad as a lunch or course at dinner, I like to enjoy my salads in the morning too! I have been playing around with this for quite some time and to my amazement I have discovered breakfast salad foodies on Instagram with the hashtag of #breakfastsalad. Waking up to actually eating greens and protein without  having to blend everything into a smoothie is way more satisfying and I must say an elevated morning routine experience:) Nothing against smoothies as it is fast and easy but sometimes we need to slow down and really experience food,…