Breakfast Recipes

  • Breakfast Recipes

    Overnight Oats

    I got a variation of this recipe from a friend of mine and because I can’t leave anything alone….I made some adjustments. I love this easy breakfast meal, and after you have all your ingredients mixed you let it sit overnight and VOILA! This is a great way to start your day because it’s packed with protein, fiber, high in antioxidants, and can help you lose weight because you feel fuller. You can eat this cold right out of the fridge or you can warm it up a bit. What’s also great about this recipe is that you can personalize it to your taste. To change this up I will…

  • Breakfast Recipes

    Spinach Mushroom Breakfast Salad

    Ok, I  have to say….I am in LOVE with breakfast salads. Typically you think of salad as a lunch or course at dinner, I like to enjoy my salads in the morning too! I have been playing around with this for quite some time and to my amazement I have discovered breakfast salad foodies on Instagram with the hashtag of #breakfastsalad. Waking up to actually eating greens and protein without  having to blend everything into a smoothie is way more satisfying and I must say an elevated morning routine experience:) Nothing against smoothies as it is fast and easy but sometimes we need to slow down and really experience food,…

  • Breakfast Recipes

    Shredded Brussel and Fig Breakfast Salad

    I’m kind of obsessed with the idea of a breakfast salad. But, if you are like me it can get a little boring eating lettuce all the time. I know there are many options to chose from and yes I have tried them all but there is something about a warm salad that always feels more satisfying/comforting to me. This idea came about because I started thinly slicing brussel sprouts and sauteing them with bacon and onions to serve as a side at dinner (there is only so many times I can serve green beans and corn!) The light went off and I thought to myself this would be awesome…

  • Breakfast Recipes

    Avocado Tomato Open Faced Egg Sandwich

    This is such a great start to the day, packed with protein and vitamins. This is one of those dishes that you just feel good about after eating, trust me on this! My son who is a big college football player just loved this, his exact words were: “this is amazing Mom” my 19 year old said “Mom, I’m not going to lie…this is Beasty!” I’m not sure what beasty means…I’m hoping it’s good! Now, I hate to brag but I don’t receive compliments like this from these guys so I am preserving the statements on the world wide web! All joking aside this breakfast is so simple, the key…