Breakfast Recipes

Overnight Oats

I got a variation of this recipe from a friend of mine and because I can’t leave anything alone….I made some adjustments. I love this easy breakfast meal, and after you have all your ingredients mixed you let it sit overnight and VOILA! This is a great way to start your day because it’s packed with protein, fiber, high in antioxidants, and can help you lose weight because you feel fuller. You can eat this cold right out of the fridge or you can warm it up a bit. What’s also great about this recipe is that you can personalize it to your taste. To change this up I will add fruit preserves, cinnamon, soft bananas, honey, maple syrup, and flavored yogurt. It really all depends what I have hanging out in the fridge:/ (Just remember if your adding sweetness to the recipe, opt for plain yogurt otherwise it might be too sweet! Also if your choosing to add your own sweetener for this recipe I usually add a tablespoon of desired sweetener to the recipe ) I will tell you the prettiest variation is when I add blackberry preserves to the recipe because it has a really pretty lavender color to it. I also love going to our  local farmer’s market where I pickup specialty preserves from an Amish seller which is AMAZING! I could go on with ideas but really don’t be afraid to make it your own (please share your ideas, I would love to try your creations!) 

Overnight Oats



  • 1 cup of vanilla Greek yogurt (go for plain if you are adding your own sweetener)
  • 1 cup of rolled oats
  • 1 cup of unsweetened coconut milk (you can also substitute almond milk or milk)
  • 1 tablespoon of Chia seeds
  • 1 tablespoon of slivered almonds


Mix all ingredients together and let sit overnight!

If you feel your oats are too dry add a bit more milk into it, and if you feel it’s too thin you can add more Chia seeds!

