Simple Sides

Savory Zucchini Rice and Feta Cheese

I don’t know about you but I struggle with sides. I mean you can only have corn and a baked potato so many times!!! I have a few different versions of this that I will be posting shortly so stay tuned. This particular side is great because you have your starch and vegetable all in one! I also like these sides because if your like me and religiously take a lunch to work this is so easy because it’s really all in one (you can always add a protein to this if you’re needing more.) I also like the saltiness and richness that the feta brings to this dish, I actually would’ve preferred blue cheese or goat cheese but my husband and kiddos aren’t the biggest fan.


  • 1 medium zucchini diced (I cut the zucchini long ways into thirds and then slice zucchini accordingly to get uniform pieces)
  • 1 tsp of garlic powder
  • 3 cups of your favorite rice cooked (I used yellow rice)
  • 1 tbs of chopped fresh chives
  • 3 sprigs of thyme leaves, leaves removed
  • 1/2 tsp of rosemary finely chopped
  • 1/2 cup of crumbled feta cheese
  • 2 tbs of olive oil
  • Salt and pepper to taste


Start by preparing rice to package instructions. A couple minutes before rice is done start zucchini as you don’t want the rice to be super hot when adding the zucchini and cheese. In a saucepan over med-high heat add olive oil, herbs, chives, garlic powder, salt and pepper, and zucchini… saute until zucchini is lightly browned and cooked through about 3-5 minutes (be careful to not over cook as zucchini will get mushy, you want the zucchini to be al dente) When rice is complete and slightly cooled add zucchini, pan drippings, and cheese mix well. Serve immediately. This side is even good cold if you are making this ahead. 
