Breakfast Recipes

Spinach Mushroom Breakfast Salad

Ok, I  have to say….I am in LOVE with breakfast salads. Typically you think of salad as a lunch or course at dinner, I like to enjoy my salads in the morning too! I have been playing around with this for quite some time and to my amazement I have discovered breakfast salad foodies on Instagram with the hashtag of #breakfastsalad. Waking up to actually eating greens and protein without  having to blend everything into a smoothie is way more satisfying and I must say an elevated morning routine experience:) Nothing against smoothies as it is fast and easy but sometimes we need to slow down and really experience food, this may not be a weekday deal for you but try it on the weekends when you can spare 15 minutes and actually elevate your breakfast routine. You will thank me later for this…trust me. I recently had my 300# baby boy (he’s a 22 year old college football player) over for brunch and served him this and he couldn’t stop telling me how amazing it was. Enough of the breakfast salad accolades I’ll have you try this for yourself!!!




  • 3 pepperoncini’s sliced
  • 4 baby portabella’s sliced
  • 1 tablespoon of chopped onion
  • 1.5 cups of spinach
  • 1 mini naan flatbread
  • 1 tablespoon of cream cheese (a little disclaimer, I buy the stuffed cream cheese pepperoncini’s so if you can find them omit the cream cheese)
  • 1 egg
  • 1 tablespoon of olive oil
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  • 1 teaspoon of butter


You will first want to saute the mushrooms, pepperoncini’s, and onions until onions are soft (about 3-5 minutes) over medium heat. Add cream cheese, salt and pepper and mix well to incorporate, turn heat to low and add spinach. Continue to saute spinach until spinach is vibrant green and then remove pan from heat and cover. In a small fry pan fry egg in butter to an over easy consistency, you want the yolk to be soft and runny. Next you will want to warm up the Naan and top with your spinach mixture and then egg. Serve immediately and enjoy your breakfast salad.